


We have a great selection of courses running at Breathe New Life at various times and dates throughout the year. You can find out more information below and get in touch with us to express your interest!

Back in 2023, over 100 people completed the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course by Peter Scazzero. The 8-week course involved a mixture of personal reflective activities, group discussion, video content, as well as weekly reading and home study.

Go Deeper

Go Deeper

Go Deeper Nights are 90-minute sessions designed to help you learn more about how to read, interpret, understand and apply the bible and take place on selected Monday nights throughout the year. There will be teaching around the history, cultural context, language and literature of the bible with the very specific purpose of helping you to get rooted in the bible.

The dates for 2025 are as follows:

  • Monday 17th March
  • Monday 19th May
  • Monday 20th October
  • Monday 17th November

The Alpha Course

6:00pm – 8:00pm on Sundays 

Course starting on 9th February 2025 for those over the age of 18

The Alpha Course is a great way to explore what Christianity is all about; to ask questions about life, faith and God and to discuss with other people some of the key elements of Christianity including Jesus, the Bible, prayer and The Church. Alpha is relaxed and informal and each session involves watching a short film followed by discussion in small groups.

Visit the Alpha website for more details and sign up here.

Moving Forward Course

Moving Forward Course

2025 Dates TBC (5:30-7:00pm)

The Moving Forward Course is for those who are new to Christianity, those who have completed the Alpha Course and those who would like to breathe new life into their foundational relationship with God.

This is a FREE course which includes Study Guides and refreshments.

To put your name down for the next course click here.


Soul Winner Bootcamp

Soul Winner

Based on the book by Andy Elmes (Family Church, Portsmouth), the heart of Soul Winner is to provide different courses to empower individuals and churches to be the best soul winners they can be. There are courses that you can sign up for online throughout the year. Visit the website to find out more:

Soul Winner Website.



If you’d like to find out more or express your interest in doing one of the courses mentioned above, fill in the form below to get in touch: