Sunday Service

Sunday Service
May 12, 2020 Ben Hodgson
May 3, 2020 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Europe/London Timezone
Sunday Service

Join us every Sunday at 11:00am for our weekly service which usually includes a time of singing (worship) and a message from one of our team plus plenty of fun and inspiration.

The Cafe will be open from 9:00am and will close at 10:40am ready for you to go into the auditorium.

Breathe Kids Church is open for those between the ages of 3 and 11; however, due to restrictions to numbers, we ask that you register your children before the service.  The Baby Room will be open for you to take care of your baby’s needs and Suite 1, at the end of the main corridor, will be available if children (under 3) become restless. Our Host Team will be able to direct you if you are unsure where to go.

You can also let us know that you are coming by filling in the form on our Visit page.

If you are unable to make it in-person, you can watch our live stream on YouTube.