Breathe Ladies

Breathe Ladies


Our women’s ministry – Breathe Ladies – run various events and activities throughout the year to encourage and inspire women. There are input events with worship, prayer and a message, as well as social events which provide a great opportunity to invite friends along. Past events have included walks, picnics and craft evenings.

The Ladies team plan the events, decorate and set up the rooms and will go out of their way to welcome, love and support all women in the church, both at their events and on a Sunday morning.


Join the ladies of Breathe New Life Church for an evening of crafting and fun on Tuesday 3rd December at 7:30pm! Get into the Christmas spirit with our hands-on craft activities, perfect for the festive season! Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or just looking to try something new, this event is for you. There will be food and a fantastic opportunity to connect with other ladies in the church as you enjoy an evening of creativity and laughter together. This is also a brilliant opportunity to invite people to church!

The event will cost £5 per person to cover your refreshments and all of your craft materials. We’ll send you details as to how to pay via email.

PLEASE NOTE: This event is for those over the age of 18.

Book your place(s) using our Eventbrite page via the button below: