Breathe Men

Breathe Men


The men of Breathe New Life meet a few times a year for breakfasts, prayer meetings, socials and input events, often with a guest speaker and a time of worship and encouragement.

The team are there to set-up the events and to serve the other men as well as encourage and inspire them. They spend time getting-around the men of the church to befriend, encourage and support them in a variety of ways, including chatting to them on Sundays, meeting up and reading the bible with them.


Join the men of Breathe New Life Church on Saturday 9th November (8:30-10:00am) for a tasty breakfast, a time of worship and an inspiring message, plus plenty of fun!

With a choice of bacon bap, sausage bap, veggie sausage bap or gluten free bacon bap, plus plenty of hot and cold drinks, we hope you’ll really enjoy the food, input and great company!

Put your name down and book your food using the form below:

  • Choose your option for food. All options are free of charge.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.