About Us
Breathe New Life (formerly Breathe City Church) is church in Stoke on Trent led by Senior Pastors Paul and Sara Jukes.
We’d love to see you at one of our Sunday morning services or during the week at one of our events, such as Cafe Kids, Ignite or Breathe Youth; or perhaps you may like to join one of our small groups.
There are many opportunities to get involved here from Breathe Kids to Youth, Music or Creative arts, as well as a whole range of courses designed to inspire, help and equip you.
You can find out more about our vision below.
Breathe New Life exists to love God, love people and make disciples.
Matthew 22:37-39 (NIV)
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. ’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’
Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV)
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Watch this short video from our Senior Pastors Paul and Sara Jukes in which they explain the vision for Breathe New Life Church based on an image that God gave to Paul in 2006.
It’s an image of multitudes of trees planted beside a river as far as the eye could see. The trees represent people and the river represents Jesus. If we are planted in Jesus, we grow and we help others grow.
In order to become Breathe New Life Church, we need to be people who are Jesus-centred, rooted, together, broad and far-reaching.
Jesus centred – We are learning to live a Jesus-centred life (at the start and during the journey)
Rooted – We discover who we are, find our identity and find freedom. This is discipleship
Together – We love, serve and support one another in personal and corporate growth
Broad – We find our place and learn to grow in our God given gifts to minister to others
Far-Reaching – We reach out as far as the eye can see to those who don’t know God.
These are the make-up of who we are as a people and the expression of how we live our lives and are as a church.
Passion, Freedom, Kindness

Paul & Sara Jukes
Senior Pastors
Paul and Sara have served as Senior Pastors at Breathe since February 2014. They both serve on the Core Team alongside those named below. Core Team are responsible for the vision and overall leadership of the church. Paul also serves on the Board of Trustees alongside four others (see below). The Trustees are responsible for the governance of the church and charity. Breathe New Life Church has a small team of paid staff who are responsible for the day-to-day running of the church and a team of volunteer leaders who oversee the various departments and ministries within the church.

Ben Hodgson
Core Team

Steff Hodgson
Core Team

Julie Cooksley
Core Team

Rob Pitts
Core Team

Beccy Pitts
Core Team & Trustee

Tim Davies

Dave Fry

Dave Leese