Sara shares a message about Jacob on 1st September as part of our 'Back to Your Roots' series.
Rhi Davies shares a message about gardens and greenhouses during our All In Service on 25th August.
Matt shares about Paul mentoring Timothy and Dave shares about Samson and Delilah and how not to do it!
Rachel shares about Jesus' close circle of friends and Ethan shares about Daniel as part of our Rooted to Relate…
Krystian Belicki shares about Ruth and Naomi and Ethan Asplin shares about Mary and Martha as part of our Rooted…
Deb Newbould shares a message about John 3, verse 16 during our All In Service on Sunday 28th July.
Pastor Paul Jukes continues our Rooted to Relate series with a message on Sunday 21st July.
Steff continues our Rooted to Relate series with a message on boundaries titled, 'The Yes, the No and the Maybe.'
Senior Pastor Sara Jukes shares a message about Elijah as part of our new series called Rooted to Relate.
Senior Pastor Paul Jukes sharing a message on Sunday 30th June as part of our Why? Series.