Offering Sunday

Offering Sunday
February 5, 2019 Ben Hodgson

A big thank you for your amazing support and generosity. This Sunday we reached our predicted offering and even went beyond!

This offering will enable us to be generous as a church and develop our facilities. If you were not able to give on the morning you still have the opportunity to give online using the following bank details:

Account Number: 13628949

Sort Code: 20-36-43

You can also write ‘Vision Offering’ on the offering envelope when you give into the normal offering this coming Sunday.

Can I encourage you from Psalm 1;

“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither – whatever they do prospers.”

Sometimes circumstances are not always what we would like, but God promises (Romans 8:28) to use it all for good. May we continue to trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understanding; He promises good things and wants us to bear fruit (prosper).

Keep Jesus at the centre of your heart and love like He loved us. He knows how we feel and what it is like to go through challenges, yet He is a faithful and almighty God; He’s the God of more than enough. May He be our reward; May His grace empower us by His Holy Spirit to help us overcome.

Please continue to join us in prayer and fasting and believe for breakthrough.

Remember, He cares for the sparrow and more importantly He cares for you.

May His breath be the wind beneath your wings as we Breathe New Life.

Much love,

Paul and Sara