Rooted in Faith (Paul Jukes)

Rooted in Faith (Paul Jukes)
September 15, 2024 Paul Jukes


Rooted in Faith

Paul Jukes

In a message titled, ‘Rooted in Faith’, Paul Jukes begins by explaining what faith actually is (Hebrews 11, verse 1). When we sit on a chair, we trust that it won’t break, therefore, the value of our faith is in the object and not in us. The more time we spend with the object, the more confidence we have in it. The more time we spend with God, the more our faith will grow. In writing to the Ephesian church, Paul is attempts to encourage them to look to Jesus in whom they can put their trust and receive many benefits, or ‘spiritual blessings’ as it says in Ephesians, chapter 1. Paul unpacks the blessing that we can get as well as how to get it, and why we get it. If we trust in God, we are adopted and redeemed by Him, which is the greatest blessing we can ever receive.