Praying for the Lost

Praying for the Lost
October 6, 2024 Sara Jukes


Praying for the Lost

Sara Jukes

In this message, Sara Jukes talks about praying for the lost. In Luke 15, Jesus uses the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son to illustrate how we should behave towards those who are away from Jesus. Like the shepherd who leaves 99 sheep to find the 1, we need to move out of our comfort zone and recklessly go after the lost in prayer, like Jesus would. Like the one who lost a precious coin, we need to turn on the light to invite Jesus in, sweep the house so that the whole house will benefit and search carefully, peacefully and not frantically. Finally, like the Father who expectantly waited for the return of the prodigal son, we need to hope and believe for the return of prodigals even whilst they are “still a long way off.”