
July 5, 2017 Paul Jukes

This last weekend we had Ps Charles with us from Rwanda, it was a great Sunday where God showed up in power and many people had an experience where they were touched by the Holy Spirit. You feel blessed and excited and equipped and empowered but sometimes when you are not used to this are left wondering… But what do I do now? Or you may think well I didn’t experience that and think… But what do I do now?

Hopefully this will help…

In Acts the Holy Spirit comes and moves in power and lives are changed, destinies are rewritten, healing happens, miracles occur, promises come to fruition, light shines in dark places, the church moves forward and people are excited by the experience.

So often in life we can hop from one experience to the next, seeking the next thrill but God calls us for something deeper, something more substantial following our encounters with Him so that we can channel the power, so that we can be constructive with our new-found faith, hope, and joy, so that we can serve because we have been equipped.

In Acts 2:42 NIV we then see what the early church were taught to do after an experience of God,

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

They brought in the “daily”, they brought in discipline to their personal lives and they remained expectant and in faith for more.

As we continue to believe for more from God and as individuals and a church to see refreshing and for God to move let’s devote ourselves. Let’s pray and read the bible. Let’s meet together and be in one accord and as they saw in Acts lets believe for miracles, healing and lives to be transformed.

We are praying for you all and believing the “Waymaker” will make a way and our future as a church will continue to grow. Let’s be expectant, be prepared to surf the wave and keep serving; anticipating all God has in store for us.

much love

Paul and Sara Jukes