Relationships in the Bible (week 2)

Relationships in the Bible (week 2)
August 11, 2024 Other


Jesus’ Close Circle of Friends (Peter, James and John)

Rachel Roberts

Rachel Roberts shares from personal experience about how to build a circle of close friends. Using the example of Jesus and his friendships with with Peter, James and John, Rachel points out that we need to first of all, build trust with a close circle of people who will help us grow in our faith in God. On the mountain of transfiguration, Jesus revealed himself to Peter, James and John in a very unique and personal way. In much the same way, we need people in our lives who will lead us to Jesus and we need to have people whom we reveal Jesus to. Rachel concludes by highlighting the importance of serving on teams in church in helping us make friendships and build relationships.

How Daniel Mentored a King

Ethan Barrett

Ethan Barrett shares about Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, with a message titled, ‘How Daniel Mentored a King.’ Daniel was rooted in a culture and a time that was in direct opposition to the God whom he was rooted in and yet he remained faithful to his convictions and continued to be a positive influence to those around him, including the King! In order to remain rooted we, like Daniel, need to dig deep and invest in our own relationship with God. Secondly, we need to get rooted through humility and give God all of the glory at every chance we get. Finally, we need to look at the ultimate example of Jesus Christ, who was the perfect example of a friend, a mentor and a leader.