Samson (LEANing to Trust)

Samson (LEANing to Trust)
September 29, 2024 Paul Jukes


Samson (LEANing to Trust)

Paul Jukes

Paul shares from Judges 16 about Samson who, after giving away the secret of his strength to Delilah, was captured and blinded by the Philistines. Whilst in the Temple of the Philistine god, Dagon, Samson was leaning against the pillars. Using his God-given strength, he was able to push the temple to the ground, crushing his enemies. In this message, Paul challenges us to think about who or what we are leaning on. Relationships and support networks are important, but we need to be careful that they don’t become idols. Like Samson, we need to take down some temples that we have created. In doing so, we should take courage that God is more powerful than the enemies who try to stop us! If you submit to God and resist the enemy, he will flee from you! (James 4:7)